Featured inmage for an article on Pablo Quintana
Workplace design is shifting post pandemic. Hear from a LEO A DALY workplace design leader who shares his perspective on ...
Senior Structural Engineer Ryan Curtis discusses cultivating leadership in his latest article for Modern Steel Construction ...
Climate change and toxic emissions disproportionately affect poor and minority communities. Here's how designers can help ...
A case study of the electrochromic envelope enclosing the 200,000 SF Carson National Headquarters in Omaha, Neb ...
historic ballroom decorated with floral centerpieces
LEO A DALY led restoration design for an Omaha hotel built in 1915, famous for creating the first Reuben sandwich ...
Drawing on decades of interior design experience, LEO A DALY has collaborated with furniture manufacturer IOA to release a versatile ...
In a world where change is the only constant, the workplace requires a flexible, real time response to the needs ...
In this white paper, Structural Engineer Jake Zach discusses the potential for optimized engineering when humans and machines work together ...
Design experts discuss engineering and architectural solutions for reducing transmission of COVID-19 by increasing relative humidity in buildings ...
returning to campus COVID-19 whitepaper cover horizontal
How can higher-education institutions apply and augment the published guidelines to meet their specific challenges? ...
Private Workspace
For many employees, the well-defined lines separating cycles of work-life and home-life now blur together. A virus has left its ...
Point cloud technology saved LEO A DALY and Mueller time and money on site visits.
As COVID-19 threatens to slow construction projects, point cloud technology can help designers work safer and faster ...
The Heights school building, Arlington, VA
High-performance buildings like the Heights school in Arlington, VA, require architects to master new tools and techniques ...
LEO A DALY Designers Meeting
For architects and engineers, inspiration fuels the drive into schematic design and beyond. Faced with problems to solve, talented designers ...
This is the first in a series of blogs about virtual reality and its use in commercial and workplace design ...
Degrees of transparency
Municipal buildings define the character of the government and color the interactions between citizens and public servants. Dan Yudchitz, AIA, ...
A group of Omaha business leaders worked with government to create a groundbreaking P3, allowing private funding for VA projects ...
LEO A DALYs VA clinic design
The new Veterans Affairs ambulatory care center in Omaha is designed to celebrate the men and women who serve our ...
Irena Savakova of LEO A DALY Washington DC studio
Global design principal, Irena Savakova, RIBA, LEED AP BD+C, was invited to participate in the Women Leading Architecture II Colloquium ...
leo a daly reinventing gingerbread architecture
To celebrate the holidays, we challenged our design studios to reimagine gingerbread architecture with edible models for a North Pole ...
A new architectural icon in Fuzhou, China, takes its inspiration from the ancient art of Shoushan stone carving. The paired ...
three towers in chinas ice city
LEO A DALY was selected as the design architect for a new mixed-use development that includes the tallest building in ...
China Mobiles connected campus
China Mobile—the world’s largest mobile communications company—is creating a new innovation campus in Beijing. When complete, the 215-acre campus will ...
The experiential nature of the destinations the world craves has pushed designers to focus on sustainable communities – encompassing environment, ...